Let's try to understand what causes the disease. If you look into the vein while walking with the Miracle Scanner, you can see that there is a valve in the vein, the blood is pushed up, the muscles contract and the veins contract. Then the valves close and the blood does not return. Here's how veins work.
Veins are unique vessels because they have valves, while arteries do not have valves.
When we are without movement for a very long time, the muscles do not contract under the force of gravity, the blood is constantly pressing,the valves dilate and failure occurs.
At this point, when insufficiency occurs, the vessels gradually dilate and varicose veins appear.
Many people believe that with mild symptoms of the disease you should not rush to the doctor. So, with varicose veins in the initial stage, when spider veins appear on the legs or if small tubercles appear but there is no swelling in the legs, pain in the lower extremities by the end of the day and the situation interferes only aesthetically there is no threat to health.
At this stage, home treatment is still possible.
All other situations require a visit to the doctor. This can be symptomatic varicose veins, and skin pigmentation, and burning in the veins, and night cramps and swelling in the evening.
A set of methods for treating a disease
The treatment of varicose veins is a very long process.Methods of treatment of this disease:
- surgical and laser, which are most often used in the last stages of progressive disease;
- in the initial stages, special underwear and products can be used to avoid surgery;
- drug therapy;
- leeches;
- phytorecipes or traditional medicine.
It is pointless to try to get rid of the disease without eliminating the causes. The same goes for varicose veins. One of the causes of the disease is thisthe walls of the veins lose their elasticity.The second is what is happeningthickening of the bloodand as a result, its permeability decreases.
Nature, as a healer, has long helped mankind fight disease. This also applies to varicose veins. The usual rules and procedures will protect against unsightly appearance and will help strengthen the vessels, preventing further development of the disease.
Traditional medicine guards health
The general set of measures for the treatment of varicose veins consists of a number of points that must be observed in order to achieve a complete result. When starting and adhering to treatment, you should pay special attention to the schedule of your waking state and sleep.

- Primarily,forget forever about the habit of sitting cross-legged.Do not miss any opportunity to move on foot. Move as much as possible. Take small, slow walks before bed. And if health allows, then add an accelerated step, to such an extent that the heart rate accelerates (but of course within normal limits).
- All folk remedies for varicose veins existfor the outdoors(all kinds of ointments, mixtures, compresses, rubs) andfor domesticapplications (tinctures, decoctions).
- Compression underwearalso plays an important role in the complex treatment of varicose veins. Underwear artificially keeps muscles and blood vessels in good shape (tightening), which helps speed up blood flow to the veins. You also need to pay attention to the composition of the fabric in ordinary, everyday things. The composition should have a higher percentage of natural fibers.
- Diet, with varicose veins, you should pay no less attention than all other means. It should consist mainly of vitamins, nutrients, fiber.
Folk recipes
Consider the most popular and effective recipes for tinctures, decoctions, compresses and lotions used to treat varicose veins at home, which have a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the body, and therefore in the fight against varicose veins.
- It helps with a feeling of heaviness in the legs and a burning sensationtincture of Kalanchoe. You need to insist this plant in a ratio of 1: 1 with vodka or alcohol. You have to rub your feet with it for a month until the net disappears completely.
- Horse chestnut tincture. To get this tincture, you need to take 50 gr. inflorescences of this plant and pour 1 liter of vodka or alcohol. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking daily. The resulting tincture should be stored in a cool place and consumed within a week 2 tablespoons 3 times daily before meals. A 5-day break follows and the treatment is repeated. You will see significant improvements after the 3rd course of using this tincture.
Compresses for varicose veins
Treatment of varicose veins with folk remedies provides not only decoctions and tinctures, compresses prepared at home, work no worse.
- Tomato compress. Finely chopped tomatoes are placed on a bandage, gauze and applied to the sore spot. For convenience, you can tie it with an elastic band or other bandage. Such a compress is kept in the vein for 2 hours, then replaced with a new one and so on a total of 3 times. The convenience of this compress is that it can be repeated every day.
- Fern compress.The whole problem is just to find this plant. The fern leaves are kneaded (you can do it with your hands or you can use modern improvised means, such as a meat grinder, blender or food processor), the main task is to get the juice from this plant. To the resulting juice is added a little yogurt, the resulting mixture is moistened with gauze, a bandage, which is then applied to the affected area overnight.
- Compress of willow twigs. The branches are simply crushed, placed on gauze or bandage and applied to the affected area. Such a compress holds, which can be repeated later, a few hours.
- The following folk remedy for varicose veins significantly improves blood circulation. Its essence lies in the fact that warm socks are worn on pre-well-steamed feet, strongly pre-steamedsoaked in alcohol or vodka. It is better to use such a compress at night, then you will achieve a stronger result. If you can go to bed for a few hours, that's not a bad thing either.
- Cabbage compress.Pre-stretch the leaves with laundry soap or toilet and apply to the damaged areas of the skin, pre-sprinkled with baking soda. For the convenience of holding such a compress, the sheet should be attached to the foot with a towel, preferably warm, and leave such a compress overnight.
- Kalanchoe compress.A very effective folk remedy for varicose veins, in the fight against spider veins, this is the most proven and fastest method. To prepare it, you will need a few leaves of the plant, crushed to a pulp. Pour the resulting slurry with 100 ml, preferably 40% alcohol, and insist in a dark, cool place for 7 days. We use, as most compresses at night, covering with a warm towel.

Effective drinks
The action of the drinks in varicose veins is also aimed at cleansing blood vessels and blood.
- Plantain, yarrow, chestnut fruit or flowers, raspberry root, chamomile flowers(you can also attach your own medicinal plant, it will not be worse, just take all in equal proportions), brew with boiling water. Proportion 2 tbsp. collection spoons: 600 ml of boiling water. Bring to the boil and immediately remove from the heat. Insist at night and use ¾ a glass in the morning and evening.
- Drink from the leaf collection.You will need nettle leaves, yarrow grass, rosehip root, St. John's wort flowers and again you can add your own medicinal plant. 1 tbsp spoon collection is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water, insist until completely cooled. The strained infusion is taken in a glass after a meal, 3-4 times a day. The course is 2-3 weeks. The body is given a week off and the course of drinking the drink is repeated. The duration of full treatment is 6-8 months.
Decoctions will help relieve pain
Decoctions, along with other folk remedies, are not the last.
- Decoction of nettle:Pour 2 tablespoons of nettle with a glass of boiling water. Bring to a boil and then use пъти cup 3 times a day for a month.
- Decoction of nutmeg.Pour the ground nutmeg with a glass of boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of honey and leave for half an hour. The resulting decoction should be consumed one hour before breakfast, the next glass of decoction 2 hours after the first. The course is one month.
- Marigold decoction.It is also a very good folk remedy used in the treatment of varicose veins. Pour boiling water over a few tablespoons of the dried plant and insist. Use in the same way as a decoction of nutmeg.
Rubbing and application
- Apple vinegar- one of the most effective folk remedies for varicose veins. Dilute 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water, moisten a bandage or gauze with a solution and apply on the affected areas of the body.
- Potato peels.Boil the cleanser, cool and place on gauze or bandage. Apply on the affected area of the body for several hours.
- In the initial stage (asterisks). This method usespharmacy chamomile. Boil 2 teaspoons of chamomile with boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain and use the mixture, which is then applied to the affected area.
- According to the same recipe for preparation and use for medicinal purposes you can useflowers of the wormwood plant.
So, now you know how to cure varicose veins with folk remedies, but this is often not enough if you do not follow additional requirements.
Dietary food

Along with all the folk remedies for varicose veins and other forms of varicose veins that you plan to use in the fight against varicose veins, do not forget about diet. Try to pay special attention to the foods you plan to eat during treatment.
Try to diversify your diet with all kinds of vegetables and salads, fruits and berries, nuts, seafood, legumes and all kinds of oils.
Don't forget gymnastics. Remember that exercise encourages and helps our veins cope with the disease. Exercise leads to muscle contraction and stimulation of venous outflow. Help them. Walk more, barefoot, on tiptoe.
Compression underwear
If you also want to prevent disease, try using compression garments that will "close", tighten and force the blood to rise. The choice can be made of special medical socks, tights and socks.
According to the reviews of many patients, all the listed methods of treating varicose veins with folk remedies are effective and give results. The result will be noticeable if theyused in combination.
It may happen that one of the recipes for a folk remedy for varicose veins does not suit you, do not be discouraged, just try another. Treatment with folk methods can be combined with methods of traditional medicine. Use them as an adjunct to treatment prescribed by your doctor.